3-Day High Performance Course
This is an affordable and convenient way to attack our Ladder Series of High Performance Courses. Register for all three courses at the same time (High Performance Course, Advanced High Performance Course, and Lapping Program) to receive the discounted rate compared to scheduling each course individually.
Lunch is provided for participants. Special dietary requested cannot be accepted at this time. Guests will be on their own for lunch.
Registration/check-in begins at 9:00 am. Class begins at 9:30 am and ends no later than 6:00 pm.
This courses takes place at Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course, 7721 Lexington-Steam Corners Rd., Lexington, Ohio.
Lunch is provided for participants. Special dietary requested cannot be accepted at this time. Guests will be on their own for lunch.
Registration/check-in begins at 9:00 am. Class begins at 9:30 am and ends no later than 6:00 pm.
This courses takes place at Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course, 7721 Lexington-Steam Corners Rd., Lexington, Ohio.
To receive the 3-day pricing, please call to enroll.
Enroll/Purchase By Phone: 419-884-4000
Call Center hours of operation: Monday through Friday 9:00AM - 4:30PM
*Please note registration is open until noon on the last business day prior to the course.
For a full list of course dates, change calendar format from 'Month' to 'Schedule'.
2025 Schedule
Day 1: High Performance Course
Learn why your vehicle performs the way it does and how to maximize that performance on the street for more driving enjoyment and to be prepared for any emergency situation.
This course covers the physics and dynamics of precision driving then tests participant skills behind-the-wheel in intense off-track performance driving drills. The highlight of this entry level program includes an hour-long, on-track lapping session at day's end. Participants will also spend time driving a Honda S2000 roadster.
Registration/check-in begins at 9:00 am. Classroom session begins at 9:30 am and the day concludes by 6:00 pm. This course takes place at the venerable Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course.
This course covers the physics and dynamics of precision driving then tests participant skills behind-the-wheel in intense off-track performance driving drills. The highlight of this entry level program includes an hour-long, on-track lapping session at day's end. Participants will also spend time driving a Honda S2000 roadster.
Registration/check-in begins at 9:00 am. Classroom session begins at 9:30 am and the day concludes by 6:00 pm. This course takes place at the venerable Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course.
Seat Time
Official Requirements
Day 2: Advanced High Performance Course
Attack the same course that challenges the world's top racers by breaking it down in to smaller segments and repeatedly practicing those segments. Refine your new high performance skills, learn more precise lines and apply these during high-speed cornering and lead follow lapping drills. The final step to open lapping includes instructor rides and passing drills before taking the green flag to several hours of open lapping with controlled passing.
Participants must first complete the High Performance Course. All driving instruction takes place on the racetrack!
Registration/check-in begins at 9:00 am. Class begins at 9:30 am and ends no later than 6:00 pm.
This courses takes place at Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course, 7721 Lexington-Steam Corners Rd., Lexington, Ohio.
Participants must first complete the High Performance Course. All driving instruction takes place on the racetrack!
Registration/check-in begins at 9:00 am. Class begins at 9:30 am and ends no later than 6:00 pm.
This courses takes place at Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course, 7721 Lexington-Steam Corners Rd., Lexington, Ohio.
Seat Time
Official Requirements
Day 3: Lapping Program
The Lapping Program is the most challenging - and fun - driving experience you'll ever have. Spend a full day lapping Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course and see why the track is called the "Most Competitive in the U.S." The highly experienced instructors will teach you not only the fastest way around Mid-Ohio, but also the race craft to get you to the checkered flag first!
Registration/check-in begins at 9:00 am. Class begins at 9:30 am and ends no later than 6:00 pm.
This course takes place at Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course, 7721 Lexington-Steam Corners Rd., Lexington, Ohio.
Registration/check-in begins at 9:00 am. Class begins at 9:30 am and ends no later than 6:00 pm.
This course takes place at Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course, 7721 Lexington-Steam Corners Rd., Lexington, Ohio.
Seat Time
Official Requirements
This course is ideally suited for:
- Performance driving enthusiasts with a desire to drive on Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course in a controlled, safe and fun learning environment
- Car club members interested in a better understanding of vehicle dynamics and car control in a safe and controlled low traffic, non racing environment
- Aspiring drivers interested in learning the how's, what's, where's and why's of becoming a licensed open or closed wheel race car driver
- Any driver interested in learning to be a better driver and improving focus and behind the wheel skills